I've been at this for a few days now and I hope someone can help. First off I'm a beginner so answers in lamens terms would be appreciated. And thanks in advance for any help. I started having trouble with my internet last week and after talking to AT&T I removed my wireless usb device andattempted to reinstall to fix the problem. Turns out the problem was with their router. Now I can't reinstall my usb device.

How To Install A Wireless Usb Adapter Driver

The program installs normally then I get an error message from the hardward installer saying 'A problem occured while installing your device'. It also tells me that windows can't find software better than what I already have installed. I purchased a new USB adapter and had the same problem with the new one. Spent an hour on the phone with the tech support who determined there is a problem with my PC.

When I try to reinitiate the device manager it says that windows cant find the drivers. Astm Manual On Zirconium And Hafnium Atom here. Anyone ever have this problem.

How To Install A Wireless Usb Adapter Driver

Windows 7, Vista and XP can provide updates and drivers to currently installed or new adapters using Windows Update. As soon as the device is plugged in or recently installed, Windows will attempt to connect to the Internet and download the drivers automatically. Use the following steps to let Windows do the installation.

It's not clear to me on exactly how you are trying to install the adapter. The USB adapters I have experience with say to install the driver first and then after the driver is installed, insert the USB adapter and let Windows find the device and connect/install the driver. Did you follow this order of installation? If not, try uninstalling the driver from Add and Remove Programs in the Control Panel (for XP) or uninstall from Programs and Features in the Control Panel in Windows 7 and then start over. Yeah I used the disk that came with the USB to install the software and drivers then inserted the USB when prompted by the installer. Upon inserting it im met with windows 'add hardware wizard' telling me the device wasnt installed correctly. Ive been through the hardware wizard with Belkins tech support several times selecting the specific location to find the drivers.

Reinstalled several times. And even downloaded the drivers off their website and used them instead of the disk. Nothing has worked.

Click to expand.Let's backup a minute. As you state, if you insert the device and you see the Add/Hardware Wizard then Windows isn't finding any drivers for the device. Let's first remove any old drivers 1. As mailpup suggested, go to Add/Remove programs and look if any wireless network programs were installed. If you see any, uninstall them using Add/Remove 2. Next, see this link to be able to. Then open DevMgr, click View->Show hidden devices.

Look under network adapters. See anything? If you see any wireless devices listed, rt click to uninstall them 3.

Insert the USB wireless adapter. When Add Wizard opens, hit Cancel. Now See if Windows reports any problem devices • Make sure all your devices are connected and powered on • Click Start->Run, enter: msinfo32. Click the + sign next to Components to expand it • Click Problem Devices. Anything appear? • If yes, click on it, Ctrl-A to select all, Ctrl-C to copy it, Ctrl-V to paste into next post 4. Now you also try using the product CD again (it come with the product?

Was your packaged sealed? Or did it look like someone might have opened it and returned it before you got it - i.e. Wondering if the install CD might be wrong for that device). Thanks for your help. Ill get that info and post it. The Belkin tech support had me try uninstalling and reinstalling the device and program a few times. He also thought maybe the program disc was wrong and had me download the setup and drivers directly from belkin.com.

I've also tried reinstalling the previous adapter Ive had for the last year and it did the same thing. Windows seems tohave trouble recognizing any devices that require drivers as my other USB devices still work. Mouse keyboard etc. I'll check problem devices and post my findings. Is your CPU Intel or AMD? Are you 32 or 64 bit Windows?

Are you SP2 or SP3? Have you run Windows Update and clicked Custom to install all Hardware optional updates.

Pls answer my questions above. I download the Belkin driver and ran the installer on my XP test machine. It installs, i see it prompt to insert the USB device and wait. I inserted my webcam and >I got the Add Hardware Wizard PLUS >I get the Belkin install wizard finishing and asking me to reboot So ignore the Add Hardware Wizard and cancel it. Unplug the device and reboot. Once Windows start, re-insert the device.

Do you still see the Add Hardware Wizard after rebooting? Ezy Invoice 10 Keygen Mac. Sorry, for double post, but i know you're reading this in real-time so want to make sure you see it (vs.

Me editing last post) I think a problem with the downloading updates to a flash drive approach. Is we need update to run on the problem computer so windows can choose the h/w updates needed for that specific h/w. It might be different hardware for your other computer which wouldn't apply to computer with the problem So anyway to run ethernet cable to problem computer?

Or move the router>or u might need buy another adapter to use for awhile then return it to get full credit.