I know another Mass Effect thread but I just completed Mass Effect 2 again (everyone lived cause I is pro) and then afterwards decided to download 2 of the DLC's. I got Shadow Broker and Arrival. I played Shadow Broker first and honestly, you guys need to play this DLC if you haven't already.

Mass Effect 2 Shadow Broker Dlc Pc Download

It adds a new combat element (flash bangs) and you get to play with Liara which is awesome. Also there's a hovercar chase bit which you get to drive a hovercar in which is pretty fun.

Mass Effect 2 Shadow Broker Dlc Pc Download

Vray Crack Mac. Also if you sat faithful to Liara you can have a romance with her which again I thought was pretty neat more because the relationship between Liara and Shepard in this DLC actually makes Shepard look like a human being with real emotions.actually the DLC gives Shepard way more characterisation than at any other point in Mass Effect. I think it was like £4.00 for the DLC and I have to say it was worth it.Arrival not so much as that was rather boring and was only a benefit for the storyline. Anyone else played this DLC? Mitchell.holt wrote: Defiantly one of my favorite pieces of DLC, and the best one for Mass Effect 2. If you haven't played Mass Effect 3 yet, you should. No matter what everyone says about the ending, the game was really great, and I recommend all the DLC for that game. Especially the Citadel DLC.

Also congrats on being a pro. I'll admit the fist time a played ME2, Legion, Ziede, and Jack died. I have played ME3, started playing it the other day then got bored. I just cba to play it, I only played the first Mass Effect so I could play Mass Effect 2 on a new save.could've jsut started a new game but that felt wrong. And I have seen a couple of DLC's for ME3 but they're expensive:( Also First time I played, Grunt, Jack and Miranda died. Good God, I LOVED Lair of the Shadow Broker. I mean ME2 had some really high-quality DLC material, but this was the best one.

One of my favorite story parts (NO SPOILERS) was a totally dead-pan series of responses that Shepard gave to Liara in the middle of a battle: Liara: Their attacks are disorganized. They'd be more effective if they all attacked at once. Shepard: Please don't give the mercs ideas. More troops arrive Liara: The next wave looks like a big one. Shepard: You just had to give'em tactical advice.

The delivery sold it, that ALONE was worth the money.:-D. Andrew7048 wrote: Good God, I LOVED Lair of the Shadow Broker.

It's the DLC package we've all been waiting for: the 'Lair of the Shadow Broker' DLC for Mass Effect 2 has been priced and dated. You can download the package on PC or Xbox 360 starting September 7 for 800 BioWare/Microsoft points. She may not be the same Liara that most of us came to adore in the original Mass. Mass Effect 2 'Shadow Broker' DLC hits Sept. 7 Latest add-on pack for galaxy-trotting RPG descends early next month at $10 for Xbox 360 and PC; content packs in five.

I mean ME2 had some really high-quality DLC material, but this was the best one. One of my favorite story parts (NO SPOILERS) was a totally dead-pan series of responses that Shepard gave to Liara in the middle of a battle: Liara: Their attacks are disorganized.

They'd be more effective if they all attacked at once. Shepard: Please don't give the mercs ideas. More troops arrive Liara: The next wave looks like a big one. Shepard: You just had to give'em tactical advice. The delivery sold it, that ALONE was worth the money.:-D I loved the car chase bit. Liara: 'Truck. Shepard: 'Yes I see it.'

Or Shepard: 'Remember the old days when you could just slap omnigel on everything?' Edited May 13, 2013 at 3:31 UTC.

Liara T’Soni is tracking down the mysterious Shadow Broker, and no one is safe. She’ll do anything to recover the man the Broker kidnapped and the Shadow Broker’s agents will do anything to stop her. Aplikasi Converter Word To Pdf Gratis on this page. Team up with Liara and chase clues from the luxurious heights of Illium to the Shadow Broker’s own secret lair.

Adds the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements – and the chance to continue a relationship with Liara. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts. Liara T’Soni is tracking down the mysterious Shadow Broker, and no one is safe. She’ll do anything to recover the man the Broker kidnapped and the Shadow Broker’s agents will do anything to stop her.

Team up with Liara and chase clues from the luxurious heights of Illium to the Shadow Broker’s own secret lair. Adds the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements – and the chance to continue a relationship with Liara.

There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts.