Description All the key principles of developmental biology that students need to know, which are underpinned throughout by experimental evidence, and an exploration of the molecular basis of the subject. • Emphasis throughout on the underlying principles - the commonalities between different organisms and their development - enables students to get a clear sense of the 'big picture' of the subject. • Key points at the beginning and end of every chapter, with concise summaries at the end of every section, reinforce the essential concepts that students should understand. • Custom-drawn artwork makes the visualisation of processes and mechanisms in this challenging subject as straightforward as possible. • Opportunities for problem solving are presented throughout the text and website, including short and long answer questions at the end of each chapter, interactive online MCQs, and online 'Journal Clubs'. New to this edition • Custom-made animations of key signalling pathways break down these complex processes into stages, making them easier to understand and remember. • Online movies drawn from real research illustrate the development of model organisms over time, helping students to visualise developmental processes in three dimensions.

• Further experimental detail, including new Experimental boxes that discuss both classic and current experimental research, demonstrates 'how we know what we know'. Conbuilder Full Download. • Medical boxes that explore key developmental diseases place the subject in the context of human health and disease.

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