I386 Error When Installing Xp
Dec 22, 2003 Hi wisof, I did a Google search of 'Installation Failed: E: I386 asms' and it yielded a handful of forum discussions. Some were quite lengthy and the.
I am installing Windows XP Home on a computer. I just reformatted the hard drive using the Win XP CD. Now, when it goes to install, I get an error message that says Error: SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file 'D: I386 asms 6000 MSFT VCRTL VCRTL.MAN on line 16. Xxx Error: Installation Failed: D: I386 asms. Error Message: Data error (cyclic redundancy check). Xxx Fatal Error: One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

If you are installing from a CD, there might be a problem with the disc; try cleaning the disc or using another disc. If you are installing from a network... Xxx Then it repeats it all again. I am installing from my CD.
As far as I know, it should be good. Fifth Harmony Cover Songs Mp3 Download.
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Haha thanks everybody, yeah I have used 3 new cds to test this problem and it must be a cd-rom issue. My friend had suggested a cd drive error, but I thought that was incredibly strange since it happened at the same file every time.
I'll try a new drive and see how that works. UPDATE: I guess that didn't work =/ I had a SATA cd-rom drive then i took that out and put in a working IDE drive. Download Wireframe Shapes Visio 2010. Maybe the computer's cd-rom drive I used to burn the iso for windows is corrupt.
I'll try making a new cd on another computer. Anyone have any suggestions? I checked the cd I've been using and it has the i386 asms on it with the following folders: /1 /2 /10 /52 /60 /70 /1000 /5100 /6000 /7000 Edited by robusto, 18 October 2007 - 02:18 PM.