This is a really great pack of highly detailed US Destroyers to flesh out your American task forces. I believe you can go up against these as a German player, and they will probably show up in the next update to fall of the Rising sun, and probably others because the author allows them to be used by other modders for their mods. Now to get on with it, we have a pack here that is mainly destroyer classes, 6 to be exact, Benson, Benham, Fletcher 2, Sumner, Smith, and Gearing. There is also one Frigate, the Tacoma, and one CL, the Atlanta class, included in the pack. Free Download Ccm Bicycle Speedometer Manual Programs Like Photoshop. Every ship shows really nice detail, and was built from images of actual ships to be a close as possible to historical shape and siloette. I've aquired quite a gallery of images form the dev thread so I think it's best to let them do the talking from here on. Updated 2:13, 20 Apr 2016 160 7 9,711kb.

This is a generic mod enabling program which allows you to swap mods in and out so you only need to have one stock install on yor drive. It's menu's allow you to select which mods and what order they are installed in.

Silent Hunter Patch V1 4bp

Official Ubi-Soft Silent Hunter II v1.1 Interop patch Official Ubi-Soft Destroyer Command v1.1 Interop patch. LIKE WHAT WE ARE DOING? SAY YES HERE.

Silent Hunter Patch V1 4bp

Plus, If you want to make a mission for stock and have a supermod installed, it allows you to disable that mod temporarily, which restores your install back to stock. It says it also has support for saves as well. Ofcourse, for this to work you must have installed the mod in question using the program in the first place.

Updated 2:09, 20 Apr 2016 94 3 730kb. This is a generic mod enabling program which allows you to swap mods in and out so you only need to have one stock install on yor drive. It's menu's allow you to select which mods and what order they are installed in. Plus, If you want to make a mission for stock and have a supermod installed, it allows you to disable that mod temporarily, which restores your install back to stock. It says it also has support for saves as well.

Ofcourse, for this to work you must have installed the mod in question using the program in the first place. Updated 2:09, 20 Apr 2016 1,842 18 730kb. If you have an unmodded install and NOT the uboat expansion pack then you need this file. You don't nessecarily need to uninstall as suggested, but if you are in a carear mode, you should return to a home port (your office) for the best result in terms of being able to restart from where you left off after you patch. If you have any saved games at sea, they may not load after the patch is applied. If you have the Uboat expansion version, it already contains these files and is considered V1.5 so you need not download this.

Updated 2:09, 20 Apr 2016 322 5 224,974kb. This is a free mission released by Ubisoft which allows you to participate in a historical battle versus the Tokyo Express, which are fast warships delivering supplies to the Solomans. You start in a good position and have a crack at 4 DD's comming through a small set of islands. Once you're done, you may want to head east of the island complex to intercept an additional 2 DD and 1 Naka class light cruiser. Once they pass this point they will increase speed and you wont be able to catch them even on the surface. I was able to land a dozen or so shells on the Naka, but it didn't slow it down.

He found me and began shelling, scoring a few points of hull damage and forcing me down. The ships are obviously set to expert. The attack takes place at night and you are required to sink 4500 tons. This mission is compatable with 1.5, however the installer does not make it clear if it will work with 1.4. Also, it does not seem to work on fall of the rising sun, so I would advise against using it with any mods. Updated 2:09, 20 Apr 2016 107 2 1,190kb. This provides a TON of missions for 1. City Of Boston Fellowship Program. 5 users.

There are a number of subs featured from Balao to Sboats. Some missions are easy and some are hard, while others are just plain spectacular. One specific mission involves an enemy fleet with 2 yamato. You must do as much damage as possible, preferably sinking 2 yamato classes under way and with escorts if you wish to watch a US victory.

There's a task force of american warships fallowing you. Many of these missions I've played, some I've beaten, others have me lost in action.

In some cases, you have multiple convoys, included one which results in ships sunk in shallow water. The wreaks don't despawn, so you can hide next to them and pop the next convoy and use them to hide from the escorts. Plenty of oppertunities for surface action, including once where I used a disabled merchie for cover, and leured 4 DD's to their deaths, the last of them being surface gun action in an old S boat. Updated 2:12, 20 Apr 2016 52 1 800kb.